Val Ease Central Railroad by Jeffrey MacHan
The Eurospoor 2003 AdventureZ
VEC arrived this morning! Fri Oct 31, 2003
Dear fellow Valeasians,
At 8:30 am the delivery truck arrived with a precious cargo. All by
itself in the dark recesses of the truck, the VECRR was ready to
come home.
The driver pointed out that the layout had been placed on a
palette by KLM for the flight from Schipol to Montreal. I wasn't
concerned since this was routine. What I wasn't prepared for
was seeing that the VEC had been placed upside down on the
palette. This was potentially bad news. I had never transported
the layout with the suitcases upside down. I dreaded opening
them up...
But before I could do that we had to wrestle the case off of the
truck. The airline guys had managed to block one of the locking
wheels so we had to basically drag the case up the driveway to
the house. Once I had signed the release and waved goodbye
to the driver, I got to work removing the front locking panel. The
key had disappeared so I had to return with my spare. Looking
the case over it became quite clear that the ride had been
rougher than usual. The end posts were dented and there were
signs of rough handling on all sides of the case. I was getting
more and more discouraged with every scratch and chip.
Fortunately I had kept a spare key in my backpack for just such
a contingency. It only took about 30 seconds to unlock and open
the four latches and carefully lift off the front panel. I could see
that the contents had shifted somewhat. The documents that I
had placed in the grooves under the suitcases had moved to the
side and the folding stool had wedged itself between the two
folding tables in the vertical slot. At least nothing fell out of the
case, yet!
I gently slid the top suitcase out of its padded enclosure and
placed it vertically on the ground next to me. There was a
sickening "thunk" as something heavy slid back to the bottom of
the suitcase. I slid the second and third suitcases out, each
time feeling things dropping back into place as I set the cases
down on the ground. I decided to take the three cases and the
tool box into the house to get them out of public view (I was doing
all of this in the car port) and to help me put the prospect of
opening them up out of my present thoughts.
I had decided to prepare for the worst by doing the routine things
I always do when unpacking the shipping case. I huffed and
puffed and finally succeded in pulling the bottom and by far, the
heaviest, case out of its slot in the shipping crate. This is the
suitcase I use for the heavy-duty hardware and other stuff that
needed to be packed separately from the layout cases. I opened
this case up on the spot and removed the 30 lb voltage
transformer and aluminum document case. I immediately
carried the transfo down the garden path and into the shed. The
document case joined the 3 VEC suitcases in the house. I spent
the next 10 minutes ferrying the last bits and pieces that would
join the VEC in the layout room in the basement. Time to fix the
unlockable locking wheel.
I gathered my adjustable wrench, pliers and square tipped
screwdriver and attacked the problem, after tipping the case onto
its side (the same side that KLM should have tipped it onto the
palette, but DIDN'T!). The locking mechanism was jammed
somehow and I didn't immediately see what the cause was.
After removing the centre bolt and then the wheel I saw that the
foot lever had slipped out of position thus blocking the locking
mechanism firmly shut. 5 seconds later the lock was back in
working order (I simply wiggled the lever back into its proper
position) and then I replaced the wheel. While the case was on
its side, I tightened a few bolts and tested the rotation of the
wheels. Two wheels were being blocked by a couple of bolts so
I fixed that problem with a few strokes of my metal cutting hack
saw. The bolts were a few millimeters shorter and the wheels
rotated freely.
I lifted the shipping case back to its upright position and then
rolled it smoothly down the path and into a snug spot in the
shed. I placed the front panel back into position and closed and
locked the latches. As I slowly closed and locked the shed
doors my mind was drifting to the VEC suitcases waiting for me
in the front hallway and the possibly unpleasant surprises in
I carried the cases downstairs into the train room. It was time! I
lifted Val Ease East carefully onto the counter and placed my
thumbs on the two latches. With a loud "clack" the latches
sprang open and I gingerly began to open the lid.
As the contents slowly came into view I was not immediately
struck by any massive damage to the larger structures. As I
released the lid and leaned in for a closer examination, I noticed
that a storage tank had come off the base, a water tank had
found its way to the opposite side of town, the billboard had
broken off its foundations, taking a little bit of plaster with it, and
several trees needed to be replanted. OK, I thought, that must
just be the tip of the iceburg...time to look underneath.
I propped open the base and began to remove the padded sign
envelope, my sponge shock absorbers, then the rolling stock
case and finally the two sandwich bags that held some fragile
scenery elements. Nothing seemed to be out of place...all the
wires were holes to be found. Whew, I thought. I
got off lucky with the first case, but there were still two to go.
I lifted Centre Val Ease onto the counter and popped the hood. It
looked exactly as I had packed it. Nothing out of place, at least
on the surface. I snuck a look underneath the base. It was
apparent that the layout had been shaken - not stirred but there
was nothing broken or in need of a dab of glue. Not bad at all!
Val Ease West was in even better shape than the previous two
sections. I couldn't believe it! The shipping case looked like it
had been dropped onto the tarmac but the contents were none
the worse for wear. Thank goodness for rubber cement, sponge
cushioning and Schenker Logistics!
I may even begin to relax a little bit the next time the VEC takes to
the air ;-)
Respectfully submitted,
Jeffrey MacHan
Chief Imagineer - Val Ease Central Railroad
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