Published in the NMRA Bulletin: December 2002
(Text and photos © Copyright NMRA Bulletin and Scale Rails Magazine)
NMRA Bulletin: Z-Scale Rails by Jeffrey MacHan
Z-SIG NewZ Bulletin #3: Award Winners at NTS2002!
 Reynard Wellman of Micron Art collects his second straight 'Z_Scale / Ztrack - Best New Product Award' for his "Z Scratch" etched brass detail parts and accessories. The award was presented by Rob Kluz of Ztrack Magazine.
 David George poses proudly with one of his three prizes collected during the NMRA Module Competition. David's modules were awarded 2nd Place - Module Individual Prize, 3rd Place - Module Individual and the IHC Pizzaz Award.
Respectfully submitted by,
Jeffrey MacHan, Z-SIG coordinator